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Aimee H. McNulty

Updated: November 1st, 2020 | Florham Park | Lawyer List A | Hueston McNulty P.C. | Family Law, Real Estate,

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Address: 256 Columbia Turnpike, Suite 207, florham-park, NJ, 07932
Law Firm: Hueston McNulty, P.C.
Phone: 973-245-9512
Fax: 973-377-6328
Website: https://www.defenseandgeneralcounsel.com/

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Family Law
DescriptionAimee McNulty was admitted to practice before the Supreme Court of New Jersey and U.S.D.C. District of New Jersey in 1991. She received her B.A. from the University of Delaware in 1986 and her J.D. from Widener University School of Law in 1989. Aimee is a member of the N.J. State Bar Association and the N.J. Chapter of the Community Association Institute. Aimee concentrates in the general representation of community associations, collection practice and commercial litigation. She has arbitration, mediation and litigation experience in restrictive covenant enforcement, collection matters, transition and tenancy issues.
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Hueston McNulty P.C.

Hueston McNulty, P.C. is a respected law firm advocating for clients in Community & Homeowners Association Law, Condominium Law and Condominium Association Representation cases.Skill, knowledge and integrity serve as the foundation for the exceptional legal counsel and representation offered by the New Jersey law firm of Hueston McNulty, P.C. Serving clients throughout New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania, our attorneys focus on insu…

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