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Alexander J. Trembicki

Updated: November 5th, 2023 | Milford | Lawyer List A | Lynch Trembicki & Boynton |

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Address: 63 Cherry Street, milford, CT, 06460-3490
Law Firm: Lynch, Trembicki & Boynton
Phone: 888-332-0165
Fax: 203-876-0644
Website: https://www.lynchtrembickiboynton.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Commercial Law, Business Law, Employment Law, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Matrimonial Law, Criminal Law
DescriptionChairman, Milford Board of Finance, 1983-1984. Member: Fairfield Representative Town Meeting, 1997 ; Connecticut Judicial Department – Attorney Trial Referee/Fact Finder, 1999 ; Million Dollar Advocates Forum, 1999 .
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Lynch Trembicki & Boynton

Provide Excellent Legal Services Since 1949Founded in 1949 by Richard H. Lynch, the firm Lynch, Trembicki & Boynton offers a wide range of practice areas to both individual and corporate clients in New Haven and Fairfield Counties. The firm’s attorneys have a combined experience in over seventy five years in the general practice of law. Practice areas include civil and criminal litigation in state and federal courts including appeals, com…

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