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Amanda C. Hires

Updated: March 17th, 2021 | Merrillville | Lawyer List A | Law Office of Weiss Schmidgall and Hires PC |

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Address: Six West 73rd Avenue, merrillville, IN, 46410
Law Firm: Law Office of Weiss, Schmidgall and Hires, PC
Phone: 219-359-4805
Fax: 219-769-5297
Website: https://www.weissschmidgall.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAdministrative Law, Assault and Battery, Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy Chapter 7, Criminal Law, Debtor and Creditor, Domestic Violence, Drivers License Suspension, Drug Crimes, DUI/DWI, Expungements, Felonies, Juvenile Law, Misdemeanors, Parole and Probation, Traffic Violations
DescriptionAMANDA C. HIRES is license to practice law in Indiana, both in State and Federal Court. She is also licensed in the Northern District of Illinois Federal Court. She is a graduate of Purdue University where she was awarded the schools highest distinction upon graduation and a cum laude graduate of the Valparaiso University School of Law, where she was awarded course honors in Pre- Trial Skills, Indiana Constitutional Law and Social Security Disability. In addition, Amanda volunteered with the New Orleans Public Defenders Office for three (3) years, providing free legal representation to individuals in New Orleans, Louisiana.Prior to graduating from Valparaiso School of Law, Ms. Hires worked for Judge Moss at the Lake County Government Center in Crown Point, Indiana as a legal assistant and worked closely with prosecutors and defense attorneys. She has also remained actively involved with Valparaiso University School of Law, serving as an alumni member with Trial Advocacy Team, which specializes in trial litigation.Currently, Amanda sits as a Pro- tem Judge for Lake Superior Court, County Division. Additionally, Ms. Hires volunteers for the Porter County Veterans Court, a problem solving Court, whose focus is on rehabilitating and providing legal representation to Veterans from Indiana.Ms. Hires focuses her legal practice in the areas of criminal and traffic law and bankruptcy. Amanda can be reached via e- mail at: ahiresgarryaweiss.com.Education Valparaiso University School of Law, Valparaiso, Indiana- J.D. (Cum Laude) 2010 Purdue University, Hammond, Indiana- B.A. 2005- Honors: With Highest Distinction- Honors: Dean’s List 2001 – 2005- Honors: Semester Honors 2001 2005- Major: Political Science- Major: Criminal Justice SpecialtyHonors and Awards Course Honors Pre Trial Skills Valparaiso University School of Law Course Honors Indiana Constitutional Law – Valparaiso University School of Law Course Honors Social Security Disability Law – Valparaiso University School of Law Semester Honors: Fall 2008, Spring 2009 and 2010Professional Associations and Memberships Luke County Bar Association, 2010 – present Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, Member, 2007 PresentPast Employment Positions Judge Moss Lake County Government, Legal Assistant, 2005 2006Pro Bono Activities New Orleans Public Defender Office, 2008 2010 Veterans CIA, Porter County, 2012 presentFraternities/Sororities Phi Sigma Alpha
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Law Office of Weiss Schmidgall and Hires PC

Our firm was founded by the late Garry A. Weiss (1954-2008), who practice law in Indiana for nearly 30 years. Throughout his career, Gary was truly dedicated to helping others in need. We remain personally committed to providing each of our clients with the highest level of legal representation, following in the footsteps of our mentor Garry A. Weiss. We understand that bad things can happen to good people, however, talking to a lawyer shouldn…

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