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America Alvarez

Updated: September 9th, 2023 | Miami | Lawyer List A | Corona Law Firm P.A. |

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Address: 3899 NW 7th Street, Second Floor, miami, FL, 33326
Law Firm: Corona Law Firm, P.A.
Phone: 786-796-6277
Website: http://www.coronapa.com

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionAmerica Alvarez is an attorney at The Corona law Firm, P.A.’s Foreclosure Department in the Miami Office.Ms. Alvarez began her legal career as an attorney advisor with the United States Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges, and has over 25 years of experience as an attorney.At the Corona Law Firm, she represents homeowners and property owners who have fallen in difficult times and are trying to reach workable agreements with banks or trying to mitigate their losses. She also has experience in contract law, business law, labor law, copyright and discrimination.Prior to joining CORONA LAW FIRM, Ms. Alvarez practiced in a law firm which concentrated on discrimination. In addition, she worked for many years in a corporation focusing on contracts, copyrights, licensing, and everyday business operations.
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