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Andrew Clifford

Updated: March 14th, 2022 | Greensboro | Lawyer List A | Clifford & Harris PLLC |

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Address: 415 West Friendly Avenue, greensboro, NC, 27401
Law Firm: Clifford & Harris, PLLC
Phone: 336-574-2788
Fax: 336-346-3292
Website: http://www.NotGuiltyNC.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeJuvenile Criminal Law, Assault and Battery, Burglary, Criminal Defense, Drivers License Suspension, Driving While Intoxicated, Felonies, Misdemeanors, Parole and Probation, Sex Crimes, Sexual Assault, Theft, Traffic Violations, Weapons Charges, Drug Crimes
DescriptionAssistant District Attorney, 18th Judicial District, 2004-2005.
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Clifford & Harris PLLC

Committed to our community and committed to you. Over 65 years combined experience. If you’ve been arrested or facing criminal charges for DUI, drugs, weapons, assault, or any other criminal charges you need to call us now at 336-574-2788!At Clifford & Harris, PLLC, we believe there is no substitute for an aggressive, high-caliber criminal defense when your future and your liberty are in jeopardy. Clifford & Harris, PLLC was founded in 1…

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