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Armin Jezari

Updated: August 14th, 2023 | El Paso | Lawyer List A | Jezari Law |

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Address: 221 N. Kansas Street, Suite 700, el-paso, TX, 79901
Law Firm: Jezari Law
Phone: 915-320-5087
Fax: 915-800-2146
Website: https://www.jezarilaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Probate Litigation, Real Estate, Bankruptcy, Taxation
DescriptionAfter graduating from Berkner High School in 1995, Armin completed an Associate Degree from Richland College in 1997 and a Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Texas at Dallas in 1999 – with concentrations in law, social science and the digital economy. Subsequently, he enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a Broadcast Journalist (46R) where he served honorably until 2005. Armin graduated with honors from Texas State University with a Master of Public Administration in 2010; summa cum laude with a Juris Doctor from Thurgood Marshall School of Law in 2013; and, with honors with a Master of Laws in Taxation from University of Houston Law Center in 2014. Armin started working at age 16. On his sixteenth birthday, he applied for a telemarketing job with MBNA America Bank. Armin turned out to be one of MBNA’s best producers at the time. Armin also committed a short stint as a licensed real estate agent in Texas when in his twenties. He was not involved in one transaction during his career as a realtor. Armin later became a policy analyst in the Texas House of Representatives for state representative Fred Hill from 2003 to 2007. He was also a Clerk from the Local Ways and Means Committee chaired by Representative Hill during that same period. As a broadcast journalist in the Army Reserve, Armin completed exercises at the US Army War College, Boy Scout Jamboree and Armed Forces Network (AFN). During law school, Armin was a senior editor of the Thurgood Marshall Law Review. He also completed several legal internships with a number of attorneys and legal aid organizations in various areas of law – including bankruptcy law, criminal defense law, and tax law. Armin has been a civil and tax attorney since 2013. He has represented hundreds of individuals and businesses in their fight against the Internal Revenue Service. LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Regaining Confidence: Protecting the Sanctity of Elections Without Burdening Speech (2012) Moving Towards a Supreme Tribunal: America’s 21st Century Obligation to Foster Peace (2012). Wal-Mart v. Dukes: A Need to Promulgate a More Reasonable ˜Significant Proof’ Standard for Title VII Class Certifications (2011).
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Jezari Law

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