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Arthur H. Thorn

Updated: February 22nd, 2024 | Albany | Lawyer List A | Thorn Gershon Tymann and Bonanni LLP |

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Address: New Karner Road, albany, NY, 12212-5054
Law Firm: Thorn Gershon Tymann and Bonanni, LLP
Phone: 518-213-3768
Fax: 518-464-6778
Website: http://www.tglawyers.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Civil Practice, Products Liability, Medical Malpractice, Environmental Law, Toxic Torts
DescriptionLitigating the Warning Case in New York, NYSBA, 1989; Litigating The Complex MV Case, Practicing Law Institute Seminar, November, 1992; Automotive Accident Reconstruction and Seat Belt Defense, NYSBA, October, 1991; Modern Tactics, Strategies, and Techniques in the Trial, NYSBA, March 1992; Expert Witnesses-Selection, Preparation & Examination, NYSBA, 1993; Product Liability Litigation – Post Daubert: A ‘Nuts and Bolts’ Analysis in a New Era – Motion Practice., NYSBA, March 1994; Hedonic Damages, 1995; Direct Examination of Defendant’s Neurologist, NYSBA, 1995; Issues Unique to Automobile and Crashworthiness Litigation, NYSBA, 1996; Post Daubert: a ‘Nuts and Bolts’ Analysis in a New Era, motion practice, NYSBA 1997; Lecturer, Products Liability, Substantive Developments in the Law of Manufacturing and Design Defect Liability, NYSBA, 1997; Issues Unique to Automobile and Crashworthiness Litigation, Products Liability in New York; Strategy Practice, NYSBA 1997; January 21, 1998, Saratoga County Bar Association, ‘Cross Examination of Plaintiff’s Treating Physician’ seminar; March 11, 1998, Saratoga County Bar Association, ‘Technical Expert and Use of Demonstrative Evidence’ seminar; Issues Unique to Automobile and Crashworthiness Litigation, Products Liability in New York: Strategy and Practice, NYSBA 2002; Superior Deposition Strategies in New York Civil Trial Practice, October 22, 2003; Advanced Personal Injury Practice in New York, October 14, 2004; ‘How to Get Evidence and Expert Testimony Admitted’ National Business Institute, September 26, 2006; Products Liability in New York: ‘Strategy and Practice, 2012 Revision, Chapter 13, ‘Issues Unique to Automobile and Crashworthiness Litigation.’ The Effect of ‘Recalls on Product Liability Litigation and Strategies for Defense in New York’, L.A. California, August, 2015.
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Thorn Gershon Tymann and Bonanni LLP

The firm maintains a strong national client base involving defense of complex litigation throughout New York and New England.

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