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Ashlin Blanchard Potterfield

Updated: January 23rd, 2021 | Columbia | Lawyer List A | Taylor/Potterfield | Custody, Divorce, Family Law,

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Address: 2231 Devine Street, Suite 202, columbia, SC, 29205-2403
Law Firm: Taylor/Potterfield
Phone: 803-376-2001
Fax: 803-376-8856
Website: http://www.taylor-potterfield-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeDivorce, Custody, Family Law
DescriptionMortar Board, Converse College. Assistant Public Defender, Richland and Aiken Counties, 1991-1993.
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A Highly Rated Law FirmTaylor/Potterfield is a two-lawyer firm located in central South Carolina that has a State-wide practice limited to Family Law. Between us, we have over fifty years’ experience handling all aspects of complex separation, divorce and post-divorce cases, both at the trial and appellate court levels, including dissolution, custody, visitation, child support, alimony, property division, restraining orders, litigation co…

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