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Benjamin M. Wells

Updated: February 16th, 2022 | Lawrence | Lawyer List B | Stevens & Brand L.L.P. | Banking Law, Bankruptcy Law,

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Address: 900 Massachusetts Street, Suite 500, lawrence, KS, 66044-0189
Law Firm: Stevens & Brand, L.L.P.
Phone: 888-662-8158
Fax: 785-843-0341
Website: http://www.stevensbrand.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBanking Law, Bankruptcy Law
DescriptionManaging Editor, Emory Bankruptcy Developments Journal, Emory University, 2008-2009. Transactional Certificate, Emory University.
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Stevens & Brand L.L.P.

Serving Lawrence, KS Since 1925.Stevens & Brand, L.L.P. was founded in 1925 and has been providing quality general practice legal services for over 80 years. The firm is committed to providing high quality comprehensive legal services at reasonable cost.

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