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Benjamin Siracusa Hillman

Updated: February 12th, 2024 | Concord | Lawyer List B | Shaheen & Gordon P.A. | Elder Law, Estate Planning, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Wills,

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Address: 107 Storrs Street, concord, NH, 03302
Law Firm: Shaheen & Gordon, P.A.
Phone: 603-369-4500
Fax: (603) 225-5112
Website: http://www.shaheengordon.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Probate, Wills, Trusts and Estates, Elder Law
DescriptionBen is an attorney who practices in a variety of areas, including litigation, health care law, and estate and probate law.Prior to joining Shaheen and Gordon, Ben was the William J. Brennan Fellow at the national office of the American Civil Liberties Union, where he worked in the Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project. Following law school, Ben clerked for the Honorable Janet C. Hall of the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut and the Honorable William A. Fletcher of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. While in law school, Ben was part of a clinical team that litigated a damages action on behalf of a non-citizen who was wrongly detained and deported from the United States; the case eventually reached a successful resolution. He was also a Notes Editor on the Yale Law Journal and a Comments Editor on the Yale Journal of Law and Feminism.
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Shaheen & Gordon P.A.

Advocates for the justice you deserve.Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. is one of the largest law firms in the State of New Hampshire and is among the fastest growing firms in northern New England. We are a full service law firm, addressing individual and institutional client needs no matter where those needs arise. Our success is due to our approach. We respond quickly, thoughtfully and, at times, forcefully, to the challenges of a diverse client b…

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