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Bentley Justin Bender

Updated: December 23rd, 2020 | Carbondale | Lawyer List B | Feirich/Mager/Green/Ryan | Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 2001 West Main Street, carbondale, IL, 62903-1570
Law Firm: Feirich/Mager/Green/Ryan
Phone: (618) 529-3000
Fax: 618/529-3008
Website: http://www.fmgr.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTrusts and Estates
DescriptionMensa, 2001.
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Southern Illinois’ Foremost Preeminent (AV rated) Insurance Defense, Medical, Business, and Individual Client Law Firm, with Local Roots since 1909.Southern Illinois’ foremost law firm, with local roots as corporate and defense counsel since 1909. When retaining FMGR you benefit from the combined talents of the largest group of professional attorneys in this region of Southern Illinois, with vast experience before state and federal adm…

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