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Bert Guy

Updated: September 11th, 2020 | Tuscaloosa | Lawyer List B | Tanner & Guin LLC |

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Address: 2711 University Boulevard, tuscaloosa, AL, 35401
Law Firm: Tanner & Guin, LLC
Phone: 205-737-4359
Fax: 205-633-0290
Website: https://www.tannerguin.law/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Civil Litigation, Business Law, Corporate Law, Commercial Law, Labor and Employment Law, Employment Litigation, Trademarks, County Government Law
DescriptionSociety of Human Resource Managers; Tuscaloosa Human Resource Professionals; Golden Triangle Personnel Association; Salvation Army Advisory Board
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Tanner & Guin LLC

Tanner & Guin, LLC represents privately-held and family-owned businesses across Alabama in matters relating to all areas of building, maintaining, and growing a business. The firm represents a broad base of local, regional, national, and international concerns in areas such as business financing (including bonds and tax-exempt financing), mergers and acquisitions, federal, state, and local taxation, litigation and mediation, labor and employme…

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