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Bill N. Jacob

Updated: January 28th, 2021 | North Andover | Lawyer List B | Rosenberg & Weinberg | Bankruptcy, Divorce, Landlord and Tenant, Real Estate Law,

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Address: 805 Turnpike Street, Suite 201, north-andover, MA, 01845
Law Firm: Rosenberg & Weinberg
Phone: 978-237-5639
Fax: 978-682-3041
Website: http://www.jrhwlaw.com

TitleOf Counsel
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBankruptcy, Divorce, Real Estate Law, Landlord and Tenant
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Rosenberg & Weinberg

Specializing in Bankruptcy for over 50 yearsRosenberg & Weinberg is a North Andover, Massachusetts bankruptcy law firm that has inherited the Rosenberg family’s 70-plus year commitment to helping individuals and companies work out their financial problems both in and out of bankruptcy. By specializing in bankruptcy law, our bankruptcy attorneys are able to provide creditors and debtors with sophisticated bankruptcy help and representation…

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