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Bradley M. Matteoni

Updated: October 10th, 2021 | San Jose | Lawyer List B | Matteoni O'Laughlin & Hechtman | Eminent Domain, Planning and Land Use, Real Estate, Real Property, Zoning,

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Address: 848 The Alameda, san-jose, CA, 95126-3119
Law Firm: Matteoni, O’Laughlin & Hechtman
Phone: 408-293-4300
Fax: 408-293-4004
Website: http://www.Matteoni.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeReal Estate, Real Property, Eminent Domain, Zoning, Planning and Land Use
DescriptionEminent DomainBradley M. Matteoni has represented public agencies and property owners in condemnation and inverse condemnation actions. She oversaw the filing and administration of 50 condemnation actions several of which had title issues for a redevelopment project in Half Moon Bay.In addition, Ms. Matteoni has successfully handled cases involving challenges to the right to take, severance damages, loss of goodwill, impairment of access, assemblage and highest and best use for residential properties, commercial and industrial properties, service stations and undeveloped lands. She has prepared appellate briefs and contributed research and writing to Condemnation Practice in California.Real Estate LitigationMs. Matteoni has handled a wide variety of real estate litigation including broker liability issues, quiet title actions, partition actions, wrongful foreclosure, trespass, landlord/tenant disputes, easement disputes and related issues.Real Property TransactionsMs. Matteoni has substantial experience in real estate transactions. She has assisted clients in both the purchasing and selling of shopping centers and other commercial properties, loan reviews, refinancing and development agreements. She has assisted both landlords and tenants in lease negotiations, assignments and assumptions.Land UseMs. Matteoni has assisted clients with a variety of land use issues, including obtaining development permits and negotiating with governmental agencies on related issues.Order of the Coif. Thurston Honor Society. Extern Law Clerk to Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, 1987. Note Editor, Hastings Law Journal, 1986-1987; U.S. News & World Report ‘Best Law Firms’ – Metropolitan First Tier Firm Eminent Domain and Condemnation Law, Land Use and Zoning Law (San Jose) 2010.
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Matteoni O'Laughlin & Hechtman

Matteoni, O’Laughlin & Hechtman is widely respected as one of the leading eminent domain condemnation), land use, real property and environmental law firms in California. Our specialized knowledge and extensive experience in these complex areas of law have allowed us to consistently provide favorable results for our clients.Founded in 1979 by Norman Matteoni author of Condemnation Practice in CaliforniaMatteoni, O’Laughlin & Hechtma…

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