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Bradley Pizer

Updated: March 9th, 2021 | Beverly Hills | Lawyer List B | Pizer & Associates A Professional Corporation | Bankruptcy, Business Litigation, Collections,

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Address: 9320 Wilshire Boulevard, beverly-hills, CA, 90212
Law Firm: Pizer & Associates, A Professional Corporation
Phone: 310-843-9729
Fax: 310-843-9619
Website: https://www.pizercorp.com/

TitlePizer & Associates, P.C.
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeBusiness Litigation, Collections, Bankruptcy
DescriptionSpeaker: CUNA League Attorneys’ Conference, 1993; Credit Union Collectors Conference (Recipient, New Millennium Award). Special Liaison for American Bar Association Credit Union Subcommittee, 1993. Member, Advisory Board, IHS Regulatory Products Credit Union Library, 1995. Speaker, Aerospace Conference, 2003, 2008, and 2012. Author and Speaker: Mel Silverman’s Legal Update, 1995-2008; Featured Speaker, Akcelerant Conference for Banks and Credit Unions, 2013; Participant, Goldman Sachs FinTech Conference 2015-2016.
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Pizer & Associates A Professional Corporation

Serving financial institutions and businesses for over 30 years.We have represented financial institutions and businesses for over 30 years. We have extensive legal experience that includes representation before regulatory agencies, litigation, collection of accounts, and bankruptcy. In addition, we advise our clients regarding operations and contracts with vendors. Brad Pizer is a member of the American Bar Association Committee on…

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