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Bret W. Jedele

Updated: September 9th, 2020 | Providence | Lawyer List B | Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman LLP | Administrative Law, Civil Litigation, Environmental Law, Planning and Land Use, Zoning,

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Address: One Park Row, Suite 300, providence, RI, 02903
Law Firm: Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP
Phone: 401-453-6400
Fax: 401-453-6411
Website: http://www.crfllp.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEnvironmental Law, Zoning, Planning and Land Use, Administrative Law, Civil Litigation
DescriptionStaff Attorney, Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, 2001-2005. Member: Rhode Island Society of Environmental Professionals; Environmental Business Council of Rhode Island. He was recognized as an environmental attorney in the 2009, 2010, and 2011 editions of New England Super Lawyers Rising Stars.
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Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman LLP

Chace Ruttenberg & Freedman, LLP represents a broad spectrum of business clients, from closely-held companies to national organizations and international enterprises. CR&F offers comprehensive counseling on a wide variety of issues, including formation and governance, mergers and acquisitions, creditors’ rights and debtors’ rights, insolvency and bankruptcy, real estate leasing and development (including affordable housing development), financing…

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