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Bruce A. Anderson

Updated: August 30th, 2021 | Sandpoint | Lawyer List B | Elsaesser Anderson Chtd. |

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Address: 414 Church Street, Suite 201, sandpoint, ID, 83864
Law Firm: Elsaesser Anderson, Chtd.
Phone: 208-667-2900
Fax: 208-263-8517
Website: https://www.ejamelaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTaxation, Probate, Bankruptcy, Estate Planning, Civil Litigation, Real Estate, Mediation, Arbitration, Commercial Litigation, Litigation
DescriptionBruce practiced with the Denver Colorado ofice of Chief Counsel, office of the Internal Revenue Service, from 1986 until 1994, when he joined the Sandpoint law firm of Elsaesser Jarzabek& Anderson, Chtd., as partner.Bruce’s current practice emphasizes Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring, commercial and probate litigation, and tax controversies.Among notable Chapter 11 achievements, Bruce currently represents the Sterling Mining Company, in a Chapter 11 proceeding where the assets of the mine have been sold for an amount sufficient to pay unsecured general creditors a dividend of 100% of their allowed claims, plus interest. The Sterling Mining Company case has been complicated by much contentious adversarial litigation which has spanned roughly two years; with all litigation deiceded or resolved favorably for the client.Certified Public Accountant, Idaho, 1980. Senior Trial Attorney, Office of Chief Counsel, Internal Revenue Service, 1986-1994. Private Civil Litigation Evaluator, Idaho, 2002 .
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