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Carolina A. Latour

Updated: July 14th, 2021 | Miami | Lawyer List C | Isicoff Ragatz | Intellectual Property, Litigation,

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Address: 601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 750, miami, FL, 33131
Law Firm: Isicoff Ragatz
Phone: (305) 373-3232
Fax: (305) 373-3233
Website: http://www.irlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeIntellectual Property, Litigation
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Isicoff Ragatz

Isicoff Ragatz Miami, Florida, was started in 1994, when Eric D. Isicoff and Teresa Ragatz, formerly partners in a high-profile Miami-based law firm, Mershon, Sawyer, Johnston, Dunwody & Cole, joined together to begin a new law firm. They envisioned the creation of a synergistic, business-driven, boutique to represent sophisticated individuals and entities, that would avoid firm hierarchies and bureaucracy, without sacrificing the quality and…

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