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Caryn Lilling

Updated: October 4th, 2022 | Woodbury | Lawyer List C | Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP |

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Address: 100 Crossways Park Drive West, Suite 310, woodbury, NY, 11797
Law Firm: Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP
Phone: 516-487-5800
Fax: 516-487-5811
Website: http://www.mlnappeals.com

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DescriptionCARYN LILLING is a principal of the firm, having joined Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP 25 years ago. As an Appellate Advocate and Litigation Strategist, she has handled hundreds of civil appeals in state and federal courts. Her name appears on opinions in a wide variety of practice areas, and she has published extensively on various topics in her field. She is a frequent lecturer for in-house counsel, insurance companies, hospitals and bar associations. In addition to the more traditional roles of appellate counsel, Caryn’s firm is called upon to aggressively define and defend damages.In 2013, Caryn spearheaded the firm’s national growth as specialty counsel on damages and, in particular, how to mitigate damages for future medical expenses in tort cases.In that role Caryn has become a leading voice on the topic.Numerous companies, insurance carriers and hospitals now turn to Caryn and her team to develop pre-trial, trial and mediation strategies to mitigate damages in catastrophic injury cases. Caryn has earned Martindale Hubbell’s highest peer review rating of AV, having been designated as Preeminentâ„¢ in appellate practice. This distinction is awarded to less than five percent of all United States lawyers. Caryn has also been named as one of the top women attorneys in the New York Metro Area specializing in appellate practice as spotlighted in the New York Times Magazine, and the firm was recognized by the New York Law Journal as the seventh largest women-owned firm in New York State. Caryn is an active member of the Claims and Litigation Management Alliance (CLM), the Defense Research Institute (DRI), and the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel (FDCC).
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Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP

Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP is the largest firm in the Northeast dedicated to Litigation Strategy and Appellate Advocacy. A full-service appellate advisor, MLN provides support, guidance, and strategy at any stage of litigation.Founded in 1992, Mauro Lilling Naparty LLP is a one-of-a-kind national boutique appellate practice focusing on all areas of civil litigation in both state and federal appellate courts. The firm’s overall rate of suc…

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