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Charles F. Brower

Updated: December 29th, 2021 | Torrington | Lawyer List C | Charles F. Brower Attorney at Law LLC |

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Address: 445 Prospect Street, torrington, CT, 06790
Law Firm: Charles F. Brower Attorney at Law, LLC
Phone: 860-626-5263
Fax: 860-482-4701
Website: http://www.brower-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Practice, Commercial Law, Personal Injury, Appellate Practice, Business Law, Construction Law, Contracts, Guardianship, Conservatorship, Insurance, Litigation, Products Liability, Real Estate, Torts, Wills, Planning and Land Use, Criminal Defense
DescriptionChairman, City of Torrington Charter Revision Commission, 1966-1967. Member, Civil Justice Executive Committee, 1982-1992.
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Charles F. Brower Attorney at Law LLC

For many decades, Chuck Brower has litigated (and settled) thousands of cases in the local, state and federal courts. Because of that, we can help you when you find yourself in need of a personal injury attorney or trial attorney.Chuck has practiced trial law in the state and federal courts for many years. Working together, he and his staff have prepared thousands of cases for trial, starting with thorough investigation, witness and exhib…

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