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Charles M. Aaron

Updated: May 15th, 2021 | Martinsville | Lawyer List C | Charles M. Aaron PLC Attorney At Law |

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Address: 900 South Memorial Boulevard, martinsville, VA, 24112
Law Firm: Charles M. Aaron, PLC Attorney At Law
Phone: 276-336-4714
Fax: 276-638-7690
Website: https://www.caaronlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury, Wrongful Death, Traumatic Brain Injury, Slip and Fall, Motorcycle Accidents, Trucking Accidents, Criminal Defense, Real Estate
DescriptionCharles Aaron PLC is a local attorney that provides personal attention and professional, effective representation for the people of Martinsville, Henry County and the surrounding area. Hiring a lawyer is an important decision that should not be based solely upon advertisements. Before you decide, consider first the experience and knowledge that we bring to the area. Mr. Aaron’s areas of practice encompass but are not limited to; personal injury, real estate, criminal defense, traffic violations & Drunk Driving Accident Injuries.He is admitted to the United States Supreme Court, Supreme Courts of VA, United States Court of Appeals – 4th & 5th Circuits, U.S. District Courts – Eastern & Western Districts of VA, all state courts of VA. Charles Aaron PLC is an outstanding attorney who works hard for his clients and gets great results. LEGAL CASES Dallas Texas case , $500,000.00 Confidential. Louisiana Case, Settled $1,650,000 Sears roebuck & Co. v. Martin; Va Court of Appeals, record no. 2168-10-3, Affirmed for Claimant ConfidentiaL. Virginia Case Settled, $500,000 Confidential. Mississippi Case, $325,000 Settlement in Va through pre-litigation Johnny Calvin Newman , Et Al. v. Erie Insurance Exchange; 256 Va. 501, Reversed for Plaintiff. Made new Law in Va ConfidentiaL. Virginia Case, $1,500,000 settlement ConfidentiaL. Virginia Case Lynchburg Circuit, $375,000 settlement Fulcher v. Norfolk Southern, Et als, $450,000 settlement Mason v. American Furniture, $350,000
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Charles M. Aaron PLC Attorney At Law

A lawyer for 38 years, Aaron said he never considered doing anything else, career-wise.I just always felt I wanted to practice law, Aaron said. Even in elementary school. I didn’t know what a lawyer did in elementary school, but I knew I wanted to be one. After graduating from Martinsville High School, Aaron went to the University of North Carolina at Greensboro where he majored in business.After receiving his bachelor’s degree, he…

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