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Charles W. Coltrane

Updated: June 30th, 2021 | Greensboro | Lawyer List C | Coltrane & Overfield PLLC | Civil Litigation, Family Law,

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Address: 106 North Elm Street, Suite 300, greensboro, NC, 27401
Law Firm: Coltrane & Overfield, PLLC
Phone: 336-279-8707
Fax: 336-279-8849
Website: http://www.caolaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Civil Litigation
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Law Review Editorial Staff. Moot Court Board.
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Coltrane & Overfield PLLC

Attorneys At LawColtrane Aycock & Overfield, PLLC was founded with the philosophy that all individuals and business entities require efficient quality legal and financial solutions. The firm enjoys a reputation for its integrity, perseverance, and creative solutions to complex issues.

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