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Christina Vineyard

Updated: August 5th, 2023 | Birmingham | Lawyer List C | Crew Law Group P.C. | Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law,

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Address: 2001 Park Place North, birmingham, AL, 35203
Law Firm: Crew Law Group, P.C.
Phone: 205-588-8685
Fax: 205-326-1081

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeChild Custody, Divorce, Family Law
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Crew Law Group P.C.

Creative Solutions. Personal Service. Serving the State of Alabama.THE MULTI-FACETED FIRM OF CREW LAW GROUP, P.C. is comprised of aggressive and highly decorated attorneys who bring creativity and compassion to the practice of law. The firm often addresses the most difficult issues with a novel approach, which frequently has the effect of changing law in the state of Alabama. Passionate in their beliefs, Crew Law Group, P.C. welc…

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