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Christine L. Matus

Updated: August 5th, 2021 | Toms River | Lawyer List C | The Matus Law Group |

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Address: 81 E. Water Street, Suite 2C, toms-river, NJ, 08753
Law Firm: The Matus Law Group
Phone: 732-503-8973
Fax: 732-279-3918
Website: http://www.matuslaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of Practice
DescriptionMember, Touro International Law Review. Author: ‘Medicaid and OBRA 1993,’ New York State Bar Journal, March, 1995; ‘Nursing Home Bill of Rights,’ New York State Law Bar Journal, April, 1993. Speaker, Kiwinas Club, April 6, 2005. Editor in Chief, Health and Law Society Newsletter. Contributing Editor, Turning Point Newsletter, Highest Average Award Civil Rights Law Clinic, 1995; Recipient, 1995 Touro Law Service Award. Special Civil Part Mediator since 1995. Eucharistic Minister. Volunteer, Caregivers, Inc. Member, Legal Ethics Committee, District IIIA, 2007-2010. Legal Advisor: Filipino American Medical Society; Philippine Nurses Association, Ocean County. Member: Advisory Board for American Bar Association; Board of Directors for American Cancer Society, Ocean County Chapter, 1998.
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The Matus Law Group

Special Needs Trusts, Commercial & Residential Real Estate Law in Service to Human NeedsChristine L Matus Esq. has 20 years of experience in providing quality legal counsel and representation. Her practice is concentrated in the areas of Special Needs Trusts, as well as Commercial and Residential Real Estate. The firm’s mission is to learn our clients’ needs, as well as understand the external factors affecting them, so that we may aggres…

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