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Christopher H. Suh

Updated: February 20th, 2023 | Boston | Lawyer List C | Schmidt & Federico P.C. | Estate Planning, Premarital Agreements, Probate, Trusts and Estates, Wills,

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Address: 200 Berkeley Street, 17th Floor, boston, MA, 02116
Law Firm: Schmidt & Federico, P.C.
Phone: 617-695-0021
Fax: 617-695-0665
Website: http://www.schmidt-federico.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePremarital Agreements, Trusts and Estates, Estate Planning, Wills, Probate
DescriptionChris joined Schmidt & Federico, P.C., in 2005, after spending time working for several law firms in the Metropolitan Boston area. His practice areas currently include sophisticated trust and estate planning, estate tax issues, estate administration, asset protection and prenuptial agreement negotiation and preparation.
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Schmidt & Federico P.C.

Powered by more than a century of combined legal experience we stand able and ready to meet the challenges of individuals’ needs throughout our community.Powered by more than a century of combined legal experience we stand able and ready to meet the challenges of individuals’ needs throughout our community. Our firm specializes in serving individual clients, and focuses on providing legal solutions in family law, prenuptial and postnuptia…

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