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Christopher Warmbold

Updated: May 5th, 2021 | Aurora | Lawyer List C | Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C. | Personal Injury,

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Address: 2114 Deerpath Road, aurora, IL, 60506
Law Firm: Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur, P.C.
Phone: 630-701-6347
Fax: 630-907-0913
Website: http://www.kfkllaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticePersonal Injury
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Kinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur P.C.

Over 100 Years of ExperienceKinnally Flaherty Krentz Loran Hodge & Masur, P.C. has been providing exceptional advocacy and integrity in a tradition dating back 60 years. The firm has obtained record verdicts and settlements in many areas, including personal injury, medical malpractice, sexual abuse and commercial litigation. The firm and its lawyers has received the highest peer rating for skill and integrity. Many members have been rated…

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