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Cindy Marvin

Updated: March 16th, 2021 | Palatka | Lawyer List C | Douglas Law Firm | Estate Planning,

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Address: 1301 St Johns Ave, palatka, FL, 32177
Law Firm: Douglas Law Firm
Phone: 877-747-1919
Website: http://www.dhclawyers.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning
DescriptionCindy is a graduate of Palatka High School and the seventh generation of a Putnam County family. After graduating as Palatka’s first National Merit Scholar, Cindy attended St. Johns River Community College and obtained her B.A. with honors and her J.D. from the University of Florida. Cindy was admitted to the Florida Bar in 1979. Cindy is passionate about equal access to the court system; she served indigent clients in South Florida through the Public Defender’s Office and Florida Rural Legal Services, has been of-counsel to the Guardian ad Litem program, and also served for five years as a guardian ad litem herself. She practiced law in Putnam County for a decade before moving to South Florida, where she was senior partner at a five-attorney firm in Stuart. Since 2015, Cindy has been providing legal services to her home town of Putnam County, as she did throughout the 1980s. Cindy enjoys serving her community through Rotary, volunteering at Legal Services, helping her church’s homeless ministries, and educating others about the necessity for adequate pre-planning for end of life and inheritance issues.Cindy has extensive experience in the practice of law, and she now focuses her practice on probate, estate planning, and real estate to serve our clients.
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