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Clifford S. Davidson

Updated: June 23rd, 2021 | Lake Oswego | Lawyer List C | Snell & Wilmer L.L.P. | Commercial Litigation,

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Address: One Centerpointe Drive, Suite 170, lake-oswego, OR, 97035
Law Firm: Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.
Phone: 503-443-6099
Fax: 503.624.6888
Website: http://www.swlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation
DescriptionCliff Davidson is a commercial litigation and trial attorney. Throughout his career, he has focused on commercial contract disputes; litigation and counseling relating to the First Amendment, defamation and anti-SLAPP; litigation and counseling related to noncompetition and nondisclosure agreements; copyright and trademark litigation; class action defense; and state and federal RICO, including cannabis.Immediately prior to joining the firm, Cliff was the Chair of the Litigation practice group at Sussman Shank LLP.Representative Presentations and PublicationsUndetectable, Untransmittable, Unclear: Virally-Suppressed Employees and the Healthcare Workplace, Presenter, Washington State Society of Healthcare Attorneys (2018) Anti-SLAPP Motions: Challenging Claims Arising from Speech, Presenter, Oregon State Bar CLE (2018) Litigating RICO Claims in Oregon, Co-Presenter, Multnomah Bar Association CLE (2018) Defamation by Association: What ˜Sexy Cops’ Can Teach Us, Author, Quarterly Newsletter, Oregon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association (2017) Legalization of Marijuana and the Challenges it Poses to Real Estate Lenders, Presenter (2017) Defending Against Claims of Trade Libel, Author, The Verdict (June 2014) Addressing Negative Online Reviews, Presenter, Hotel Investor’s Marketplace (December 2014) Yelp Help: Dealing with Online Reviews, Presenter, Washington Lodging Association Annual Convention & Trade Show (November 2014) When the Political Process Meets Due Process: Perspectives on Judicial Elections, Moderator and Panel organization, American bar Association, Section of Litigation Annual Conference plenary session (April 2014) Strike Back Via Anti-SLAPP Statutes, Author, Daily Journal of Commerce (February 2013) Procedural Aspects of Anti-SLAPP Motions in Federal Court, Author, Quarterly Newsletter, Oregon Chapter of the Federal Bar Association (January 2013) Professional Recognition and AwardsThe Best Lawyers in America, Commercial Litigation (2021) Oregon Super Lawyers, (2018-2020) Oregon Super Lawyers, Rising Star (2014-2017) Southern California Super Lawyers, Rising Star (2009) Named One of the Best LGBT Lawyers Under 40, National LGBT Bar Association (2014) Wiley W. Manuel Award for pro bono legal representation (2007-2012) Exceptional Performance Award, United States Government (2003) Community InvolvementOregon Repertory Singers (2013 to present) Board of Directors (2019-2020) ACLU of Oregon (2014 to present) Lawyers Committee member (2017 to present) Other Professional ExperienceSussman Shank LLP Partner (2012 to 2020) Kendall Brill & Kelly LLP (2011-2012) Proskauer Rose LLP (2006-2011) Deputy District Attorney through training program (2009)Related News & Events Jul 10 Oregon Super Lawyers Recognizes Snell & Wilmer Attorney in 2020 Rankings May 08 Snell & Wilmer Expands Portland Office With Two New Attorneys
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Snell & Wilmer L.L.P.

Founded in 1938, Snell & Wilmer is a full-service business law firm with more than 400 attorneys practicing in nine locations throughout the western United States and in Mexico, including Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona; Los Angeles and Orange County, California; Denver, Colorado; Las Vegas and Reno, Nevada; Salt Lake City, Utah; and Los Cabos, Mexico. The firm represents clients ranging from large, publicly traded corporations to small businesses…

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