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Cody Lewis

Updated: July 2nd, 2023 | Denton | Lawyer List C | Hayes Berry White & Vanzant LLP |

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Address: 512 West Hickory, Suite 100, denton, TX, 76201
Law Firm: Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP
Phone: 940-600-4653
Fax: 866-895-8163
Website: https://www.hbwvlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCommercial Litigation, Commercial Law, Creditors Rights, Corporate Law, Real Estate, Collections, Business Law
DescriptionIntern to the Honorable Rebecca Simmons, Texas Court of Appeals, Fourth District, 2010.
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Hayes Berry White & Vanzant LLP

Call the firm with a reputation for excellence today!Hayes, Berry, White & Vanzant, LLP in Denton, Texas provides individuals, families, and business owners throughout north central Texas premium client services and legal representation. Senior partners Richard Hayes, Byron Berry, Don White, Lance Vanzant, and Brian Tackett offer our clients more than 150 combined years of sophisticated legal experience and name recognition in a broad spe…

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