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Conrad C. Pitts

Updated: October 6th, 2022 | Florence | Lawyer List C | Pitts Sutherland & Eckl P.C. | Corporate Law, Estate Planning, Intellectual Property, Probate,

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Address: 401 East Tuscaloosa Street, florence, AL, 35631
Law Firm: Pitts, Sutherland & Eckl, P.C.
Phone: 256-718-3600
Fax: 256-718-0905

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCorporate Law, Estate Planning, Probate, Intellectual Property
DescriptionAuthor: ‘The Sale of a Partnership Interest with an IRC 453 Election,’ The Tax Magazine, Vol. 58, No. 7, p. 481, July, 1980. Member, Tulane Moot Court Board, 1976-1978. Editor-in-Chief, The Maritime Lawyer, 1977-1978.
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