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Curtis B. Gilfillan

Updated: April 8th, 2022 | Livingston | Lawyer List C | Braff Harris & Sukoneck |

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Address: 570 West Mount Pleasant Avenue, Suite 200, livingston, NJ, 07039-0657
Law Firm: Braff, Harris & Sukoneck
Phone: 973-577-6081
Fax: 973-994-1296
Website: http://www.bhs-law.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Trial Practice, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Employment Discrimination, Commercial Transactions
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Braff Harris & Sukoneck

Attorneys at LawFor over seventy years, Braff, Harris and Sukoneck has provided the insurance industry, as well as many publicly and privately owned companies and individuals, it’s tremendously successful litigation equation. We take our team of highly qualified, dedicated attorneys, add your legal issues, and couple that with the firm’s attentiveness to service, and together, we find that we produce cost-effective, time-proven results. N…

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