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D. Gray Thomas

Updated: October 26th, 2020 | Jacksonville | Lawyer List D | Law Office of D. Gray Thomas | Appellate Practice, Criminal Defense, Criminal Law, White Collar Crime,

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Address: 865 May Street, jacksonville, FL, 32204
Law Firm: Law Office of D. Gray Thomas
Phone: 904-800-4753
Website: http://www.dgraythomaslaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeAppellate Practice, Criminal Law, Criminal Defense, White Collar Crime
DescriptionOrder of the Coif. Recipient, Book Awards in Civil Procedure, 1990; Appellate Advocacy, 1990; Advanced Criminal Law: White Collar Crime, 1991. Recipient, University of Florida College of Law Alumni Council Scholarship Award, 1992. The Best Lawyers in America in the following areas: Non-White Collar Criminal Defense; White Collar Criminal Defense; Appellate Practice. Barrister, Chester Bedell Inn of Court (1999-2002); Board Certified Appellate Lawyer.
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Law Office of D. Gray Thomas

Criminal Appeals. Attorney Discipline Matters.In addition to Gray’s experience in all aspects of Criminal Defense, Civil Rights, Constitutional Law, and Bar Admissions & Discipline, Gray is one of a select few of Florida Bar Board Certified specialists in Appellate Law. Who Is Gray Thomas? Gray Thomas is board certified by The Florida Bar as an appellate practice specialist, and he also practices criminal defense in federal and stat…

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