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Danielle Feller

Updated: December 7th, 2020 | Wilmington | Lawyer List D | Roberts Law Group PLLC | Criminal Defense,

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Address: 2 N. Front Street, 3rd Floor, wilmington, NC, 28401
Law Firm: Roberts Law Group, PLLC
Phone: 910-317-9468
Website: http://www.robertslawteam.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Defense
DescriptionI knew after my first year of law school that I wanted to practice Criminal Law. During law school I interned at the Mecklenburg County Public Defender’s Office and the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina, conducted about 100 hours of pro bono work for the Center for Death Penalty Litigation, wrote an appellate brief that was submitted to the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals, and received a ‘book award’ for the highest grade in Federal Criminal Defense Planning. While studying for the North Carolina Bar, I became the first recipient of the Roberts Law Group Bar Exam Scholarship. This scholarship is presented by Roberts Law Group to two future lawyers who show the most promise in the area of criminal law. It did not take long for me to parlay my scholarship from Roberts Law Group into a full-time job. Within two weeks of being sworn into the North Carolina Bar, I began my legal career here at RLG. I represent clients who are facing a wide range of state and federal criminal charges, including traffic offenses, misdemeanor assault on a female, felony sex offenses, and federal drug trafficking. I have sat second chair in a federal drug conspiracy trial and assisted with a federal motion to suppress hearing. In addition to representing those accused of committing criminal offenses across the State of North Carolina, my practice is dedicated to legal research and writing for the firm’s most complex state and federal issues. Here at Roberts Law Group we have the ability, intellect, and resources to research every issue, whether small or complex, for each case in order to zealously represent each client. Past Employment Positions Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Eastern District of North Carolina, Intern. Mecklenburg County Public Defender’s Office, Intern. Campbell University School of Law, Research Assistant.
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Roberts Law Group PLLC

Criminal Defense. Your reputation, your family, your job. Everything is on the line.Founded in 2007, Roberts Law Group, PLLC assists with numerous legal challenges, including Criminal Law, Drug Crimes and DUI/DWI issues. From our office in Raleigh, the firm’s attorneys deliver exceptional c…

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