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Danny W. Broaddrick

Updated: April 14th, 2021 | Little Rock | Lawyer List D | Hyden Miron & Foster PLLC | Corporate Law, Litigation,

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Address: 901 N. University Avenue, little-rock, AR, 72207
Law Firm: Hyden, Miron & Foster, PLLC
Phone: 501-376-8222
Fax: 800-467-8297
Website: http://www.hmflaw.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCorporate Law, Litigation
DescriptionBlue Key Honor Society. Treasury Department Revenue Officer, 1987-1991; Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, 1991-1996. Chief Counsel, Arkansas Insurance Department Fraud Division, 1997-2000Relevant Previous Work Experience: Internal Revenue Service (Revenue Officer) Pulaski County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office (Deputy Prosecutor) Warford & Broaddrick, P.A. (Attorney) Arkansas Insurance Department, Insurance Fraud Division (Chief Counsel)Community Involvement: Sir Thomas Moore Society Mount St. Mary’s Academy Mock Trial (Assistant Coach)
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Hyden Miron & Foster PLLC

Little Rock, AR Estate Planning & Tax AttorneysHyden, Miron & Foster, PLLC practices mostly in the areas of tax and corporate law, estate and retirement planning and business transactions, complex trust/estate administration and accounting, probate, tax controversies, guardianships/conservatorships, asset protection planning, advanced charitable strategies, labor and real estate. The Firm also employs attorneys who have litigation experie…

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