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David A. Garrison

Updated: October 26th, 2020 | Malvern | Lawyer List D | Garrison Environmental Law Practice | Environmental Law,

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Address: 101 Lindenwood Drive, Suite 225, malvern, PA, 19355
Law Firm: Garrison Environmental Law Practice
Phone: 484-873-2360
Fax: 484-875-9273
Website: http://www.garrisonenvironmental.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEnvironmental Law
DescriptionShareholder and Chairman, Environmental Law Practice Group, Gawthrop Greenwood, West Chester, PA (2004-2010). Shareholder, Environmental Law Practice Group, Stevens & Lee, King of Prussia, PA (1995-2004). Intern, Chesapeake Bay Foundation, Richmond, VA (1988).
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Garrison Environmental Law Practice

Over 25 years of successful environmental litigation and counseling experience.We deliver sophisticated environmental counseling and litigation services to a variety of clients including Fortune 500 companies, privately held businesses, trade groups, local governments, and individuals. With several offices in the Philadelphia area, our boutique practice tends to cover the Mid-Atlantic Region, and yet many of our clients are located thr…

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