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David Denton Lawrence

Updated: November 16th, 2020 | Roanoke | Lawyer List D | The Lawrence Law Firm |

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Address: 1031 First Street, S.W., roanoke, VA, 24016
Law Firm: The Lawrence Law Firm
Phone: 540-982-2606
Fax: 540-345-7481

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, DUI/DWI, Dog Bites, Drug Crimes, Felonies, Homicide, Juvenile Criminal Law, Medical Malpractice, Traffic Violations, Wrongful Death
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The Lawrence Law Firm

Criminal, Family Law, Personal Injury, DUI, Traffic Offenses, Personal Injury, Family LawWe are a father and son team, committed to our clients and achieving good results. We cannot promise a specific result because in Virginia that is up to the Judge or Jury, but we can help you figure out your specific problem and show you your options. We can negotiate. And we can fight.Our firm handles legal matters in the following practice areas:…

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