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David G. Kelton

Updated: March 30th, 2021 | New York City | Lawyer List D | McAloon & Friedman P.C. | Health Care, Medical Malpractice Defense, Products Liability,

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Address: One State Street Plaza, 23rd Floor, new-york, NY, 10004-1561
Law Firm: McAloon & Friedman, P.C.
Phone: 212-732-8700
Fax: (212) 227-2903
Website: http://www.mcf-esq.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeMedical Malpractice Defense, Health Care, Products Liability
DescriptionDavid Kelton joined McAloon & Friedman, as a partner in February, 2014. Following graduation from Manhattan College in the Bronx, David moved to Texas where he became a member of the Dallas Police Department. He later attended law school at Pace University and upon graduation became an Assistant District Attorney in Bronx County where he was assigned to the Investigations Bureau investigating and prosecuting white collar crimes, racketeering, political and public corruption. Upon leaving the Bronx he became an attorney for the New York State Commission of Investigation where he did the same statewide. Since 1992 he has devoted himself to defending doctors and hospitals in medical malpractice cases as a partner in three large malpractice defense firms including McAloon and Friedman. He has successfully tried many cases to verdict in every borough of New York City and counties beyond. He has lectured on risk management in hospitals and physician group practices and spent two years as the Senior Negotiator for a major malpractice insurer. David has also been involved in defending nursing homes, high exposure general liability and insurance actions. He prides himself on giving strong individual attention to his clients.
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McAloon & Friedman P.C.

McAloon & Friedman, P.C. is dedicated to serving the legal needs of health care professionals and institutions in the New York area. The firm provides a full range of legal services related to the practice of medicine for more than 60 yearsAbout UsMcAloon & Friedman is dedicated to serving the legal needs of health care professionals and institutions in the New York area. The firm has provided a full range of legal services and advice…

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