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David Hudgins

Updated: April 30th, 2021 | Alexandria | Lawyer List D | Hudgins Law Firm P.C. |

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Address: 2331 Mill Road, Suite 100, alexandria, VA, 22314-4687
Law Firm: Hudgins Law Firm, P.C.
Phone: (703) 837-3206
Fax: (703) 739-3700
Website: http://www.hudginslawfirm.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, General Liability Defense, Medical Malpractice Defense, Insurance Coverage Defense, Construction Litigation, Commercial Litigation, Motor Vehicle Accidents and Injuries, Wrongful Death
DescriptionMr. Hudgins has been elected to membership in the Federation of Defense and Corporate Counsel and the American Board of Trial Advocates. In addition to the local bar associations, Mr. Hudgins is also a member of the Defense Research Institute, the Association of Defense Trial Attorneys, the Council on Litigation Management, the Virginia Association of Defense Attorneys and Eagle International Associates, Inc. Mr. Hudgins is a co-author of Tort and Personal Injury Law, for the Virginia Practice Series (Thomson West) and he is a contributing author for the Virginia CLE Publications handbook Insurance Law in Virginia (Virginia Law Foundation). Mr. Hudgins currently serves on the Legal Malpractice Insurance Committee for the Virginia State Bar.Since 1981 Mr. Hudgins has devoted his legal career to representing businesses and individuals in general litigation matters along with insurance and corporate defense. He has extensive experience in a wide variety of matters, including professional liability (attorneys, accountants and health care providers), general liability, products liability, church liability, automobile and trucking, constitutional torts, employment liability, construction, defamation, errors and omissions, insurance coverage, municipal liability, personal injury, property damage and workers’ compensation. Mr. Hudgins’ geographic range of practice includes all state and federal courts throughout Virginia, Maryland and Washington, D.C. He has handled over a hundred and fifty jury trials, as well as numerous bench trials and appeals. Mr. Hudgins is an advocate for alternative dispute resolution, and he regularly represents his clients in formal mediation and arbitration sessions
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Hudgins Law Firm P.C.

General Civil Trail and Business CounselHUDGINS LAW FIRM, P.C. is an AV-rated full-service litigation, civil trial and business practice based in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia and serving clients in all jurisdictions of Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. The defense of insured claims and self-insured corporate clients is the principal focus of this firm’s practice, along with general business, individual and corporate representat…

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