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David J. Cartano

Updated: March 6th, 2021 | Los Angeles | Lawyer List D | Barton Klugman & Oetting LLP | Corporate Law, Estate Planning, Taxation,

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Address: 350 South Grand Avenue, Suite 2200, los-angeles, CA, 90071
Law Firm: Barton, Klugman & Oetting LLP
Phone: 213-262-7895
Fax: 213-625-1832
Website: http://www.bkolaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeTaxation, Corporate Law, Estate Planning
DescriptionPhi Beta Kappa. Member, Board of Editors, Cornell International Law Journal, 1975-1976. Author: ‘Federal and State Taxation of Limited Liability Companies,’ (CCH, 2010); ‘Taxation of Compensation and Benefits (CCH, 2009); ‘Taxation of Individual Retirement Accounts,’ (CCH, 2010); ‘Incentive Stock Options The Sequential Exercise Restriction,’ TAXES-The Tax Magazine, August, 1982; ‘The Tax Benefit Rule in Corporate Liquidations,’ The Journal of Corporate Taxation, Autumn, 1983; ‘ESOPs and Restricted Securities,’ Journal of Pension Planning and Compliance, November, 1977; ‘Meeting the New IRS Requirements,’ Financial Operations, Fall, 1987. Panelist on Partnership Law and Corporate Taxation, California Continuing Education of the Bar, 1987-1988, 2007.
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