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David Jones

Updated: January 17th, 2021 | Port Orchard | Lawyer List D | GSJones Law Group P.S. | Child Custody, Divorce, Family Law,

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Address: 1155 Bethel Avenue, port-orchard, WA, 98366
Law Firm: GSJones Law Group, P.S.
Phone: 360-876-9221
Fax: 360-876-5097
Website: https://www.gsjoneslaw.com

TitleManaging Partner
First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeFamily Law, Divorce, Child Custody
Description25 years experience in Kitsap County David Jones began practicing family law, including divorce and child custody cases in Kitsap County 25 years ago. In fact, all aspects of family law form the focus of his practice. For the last 16 years, he has worked exclusively in family law in Port Orchard. If you fear your family law case will go to trial, choose David Jones and his extensive trial experience and in-depth knowledge of how best to tailor his argument to the individual judges in the county. He also serves as a judge pro tem for the Kitsap County Superior Court. In this role, he puts his years of experience serving as a commissioner for settlement conferences to assist people to settle their issues. David Jones helps people work out their differences and get on with their lives Although David is in front of a judge an average of three days a week, in more than 90% of his cases, he helps people work out their differences and get on with their lives. He sees each case as unique and works to craft agreements that fit each distinctive situation. Whether it is necessary to litigate the case or possible to negotiate a settlement, David Jones will stand with you. He is outstanding in educating his clients on the law and coaching them through crises. As a result, he assists you in making reasoned decisions in difficult times. He has worked on some of the most difficult child custody issues in the county, including several trials on relocation of children. David’s own two children form a touchstone when helping people through the child custody process. David is an active member of the Port Orchard community. He is a member of the South Kitsap Rotary and was named Rotarian of the Year in 2013-2014, as well. David is well-regarded in the legal community. He was voted best attorney in South Kitsap in 2011 and was runner-up in 2012. He currently assists other attorneys to gain family law knowledge by teaching continuing legal education seminars in Kitsap County. Honors and Awards Voted Best Attorney in South Kitsap, 2011 Present Past Employment Positions Law Offices of David W. Jones, Solo Practitioner, 1993 2001
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GSJones Law Group P.S.

150 years experience in family law, personal injury, estate planning, business, tax & more. COVID-19 UPDATE: Addressing your legal issues with appointments via phone & video.With more than a century and a half of combined experience, the lawyers at GSJones Law Group, P.S. in Port Orchard, Washington take an informed and personalized approach to each case. We help business owners, individuals and families in the Kitsap County commu…

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