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David L. Owen

Updated: November 23rd, 2020 | Highlands Ranch | Lawyer List D | The Law Office of David L. Owen Jr. P.C. |

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Address: 718 Huntington Place, highlands-ranch, CO, 80126
Law Firm: The Law Office of David L. Owen, Jr., P.C.
Phone: 720-828-7577
Fax: 720-242-8907
Website: http://www.lodopc.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCriminal Law, Assault and Battery, Burglary, Criminal Defense, Felonies, Homicide, Misdemeanors, Parole and Probation, Sex Crimes, Sexual Assault, Theft, Weapons Charges
DescriptionServed U.S. Navy during Vietnam War. Assistant Federal Public Defender, Federal Public Defender’s Office, 1989-2007.
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The Law Office of David L. Owen Jr. P.C.

Focused on the representation of individuals charged with violating federal or state criminal laws. Experienced in all felony and misdemeanor crimes, especially drugs, violent crimes, wire and/or mail fraud, child abuse and sex offenses.Denver, Colorado, Criminal Charge Lawyer 100% Focused on Criminal Defense Confident, Experienced and Dedicated to the Representation of My Clients I hear it every week from prospective clients: ‘I…

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