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David M. Zessin

Updated: July 10th, 2023 | Holland | Lawyer List D | Cunningham Dalman | Criminal Law, Family Law, General Practice,

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Address: 321 Settlers Road, holland, MI, 49422-1767
Law Firm: Cunningham Dalman
Phone: 616-298-3772
Fax: 616-396-7106

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeGeneral Practice, Criminal Law, Family Law
DescriptionFaculty, Business Law, Hope College, 1982-2001.
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Cunningham Dalman

Putting Clients First: Accessible. Responsive. Effective.Cunningham Dalman, P.C. is a full-service law firm resulting from the merger in 1991 of two historic legal entities in the Holland area– Cunningham, Mulder & Breese, P.C., and Dalman, Murphy, Bidol & Bouwens, P.C. The education, experience and dedication of our attorneys, along with our experienced support staff and our computerized research library, provide the resources for handl…

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