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David W. Rayment

Updated: December 8th, 2020 | Concord | Lawyer List D | Cleveland Waters and Bass P.A. | Litigation,

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Address: Two Capital Plaza 5th Floor, concord, NH, 03301
Law Firm: Cleveland, Waters and Bass, P.A.
Phone: 844-567-3647
Fax: 603-224-6457
Website: http://www.cwbpa.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation
DescriptionOrder of the Coif. Member, Villanova Law Review, 1978-1979.
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Cleveland Waters and Bass P.A.

Pre-eminent law firm in New HampshireCleveland, Waters and Bass, P.A. was established in 1959. Since that time the firm has developed a state-wide practice with a commitment to excellence by meeting clients’ needs with the highest quality legal services, being accessible to clients, and responding to clients’ cost concerns. The firm focuses its practice in the areas of business, real estate, federal and state taxation, estate planning…

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