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Deborah G. Corlett

Updated: February 3rd, 2022 | Santa Rosa | Lawyer List D | O'Brien Watters & Davis LLP | Business, Estate Planning, Probate,

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Address: 1550 Airport Boulevard, Suite 201, santa-rosa, CA, 95403
Law Firm: O’Brien Watters & Davis, LLP
Phone: 707-387-1434
Fax: 707-544-2861
Website: http://www.obrienlaw.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeEstate Planning, Probate, Business
DescriptionMember, Lifetime California Teaching Credential for Secondary Levels in Biology and Chemistry.
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O'Brien Watters & Davis LLP

Providers of top-quality legal services to businesses and individuals.Mission Statement and Firm Philosophy To render quality legal services and maintain the highest ethical standards; to provide excellent service to clients; to use our best efforts to have our clients succeed and achieve results; to make a reasonable and fair profit; to maintain an excellent reputation in the community and within the legal profession; to be actively i…

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