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Diana Mederos

Updated: August 31st, 2021 | Boca Raton | Lawyer List D | Mederos Legal PLLC |

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Address: 7000 W. Palmetto Park Road, Suite 210, boca-raton, FL, 33433
Law Firm: Mederos Legal, PLLC
Phone: 561-287-9168
Fax: 561-300-2085
Website: https://www.mederoslegal.com

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Mederos Legal PLLC

Half STEM, half law, all business. Mederos Legal serves individuals, startups, and small businesses all over the world. Mederos Legal also serves as United States local counsel for United States national stage patent and trademark applications. Diana is known as the go-to patent attorney for building brands, protecting businesses, and negotiating intellectual property rights. Diana’s technical expertise is in the pharmace…

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