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Diane Krausz

Updated: September 18th, 2020 | New York City | Lawyer List D | The Law Offices of Diane Krausz | Business, Contracts, Real Estate, Trusts and Estates,

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Address: 115 West 29th Street, 3rd Floor, new-york, NY, 10023
Law Firm: The Law Offices of Diane Krausz
Phone: 888-468-9153
Website: https://www.dianekrausz.com

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeContracts, Real Estate, Trusts and Estates, Business
DescriptionCertified Public Accountant, New York, 1979. Member, Fordham International Law Journal, 1982-1984. Author: ‘The Separate Interests Test: A New Hurdle in Foreign Entity Classification,’ Vol. 6, No. 1, Fordham International Law Journal, 1982-1983; ‘Protecting Young Talent in the Entertainment Business,’ New York Law Journal, April 14, 2005. Member: Friars Club of New York; Wharton Club.
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The Law Offices of Diane Krausz

Over 25 years of entertainment law experience. For more information visit us at www.DianeKrausz.com or call 212-244-5292Founded in 1984, The Law Offices of Diane Krausz assists with numerous legal challenges, including Contracts and Entertainment Law issues. From our office in New York City, the firm’s attorneys deliver exceptional counsel and service to the Metro area clients.

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