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Dylan Karl Knoll

Updated: September 2nd, 2021 | New Orleans | Lawyer List D | Denechaud and Denechaud L.L.C. | Civil Litigation, Construction Law,

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Address: 201 Saint Charles Avenue, Suite 3920, new-orleans, LA, 70170
Law Firm: Denechaud and Denechaud, L.L.C.
Phone: 504-676-6289
Fax: 504-568-0783
Website: http://www.denechaudlaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Construction Law
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Denechaud and Denechaud L.L.C.

Experienced. Knowledgeable. Accomplished. ATTORNEYS SERVING LOUISIANA SINCE 1901Charles I. Denechaud (1879 1956) began the practice of law in 1901. He was joined in the practice of law by his son, Charles I. Denechaud, Jr. (1912 1999), in 1937. In 1966, Charles I. Denechaud, III, joined the firm as an associate, served as its managing member and remains of counsel to the firm.The firm attorneys and the year each joined the f…

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