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E. Clark Summerford

Updated: September 29th, 2021 | Tuscaloosa | Lawyer List E | Zeanah Hust Summerford Williamson & Cox L.L.C. | Civil Litigation, Insurance Defense,

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Address: 2330 University Boulevard, Eighth Floor, tuscaloosa, AL, 35401
Law Firm: Zeanah, Hust, Summerford, Williamson & Cox, L.L.C.
Phone: 205-349-1383
Fax: 205-391-1319
Website: http://www.zeanahhust.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeCivil Litigation, Insurance Defense
DescriptionPhi Alpha Delta.
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Zeanah Hust Summerford Williamson & Cox L.L.C.

Located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Zeanah, Hust, Summerford, Williamson & Cox, L.L.C. practices throughout Alabama in both state and federal court. Since its founding by Olin W. Zeanah in 1959, the Firm has maintained a general practice with an emphasis on litigation including commercial disputes, insurance defense, workers’ compensation and employment law, corporate, real estate, banking, and estate/probate. Mr. Hust is a fellow of the American Col…

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