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E. Edd Pritchett

Updated: December 24th, 2023 | Oklahoma City | Lawyer List E | Durbin Larimore & Bialick P.C. | Eminent Domain, Insurance Law, Litigation, Personal Injury,

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Address: 920 North Harvey Avenue, oklahoma-city, OK, 73102-2610
Law Firm: Durbin Larimore & Bialick, P.C.
Phone: 405-235-9584
Fax: (405) 235-0551
Website: http://www.dlb.net

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Insurance Law, Personal Injury, Eminent Domain
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi. Order of the Coif. Who’s Who: American Law Students, Edition 15, 1995. Member, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Inn of Court. Oklahoma Super Lawyers ‘Rising Star’, Oklahoma Magazine, 2008.
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Durbin Larimore & Bialick P.C.

Attorneys at LawDurbin Larimore & Bialick was founded in April, 1983, by Gerald E. Durbin, James K. Larimore and Mark E. Bialick. Jerry, Jim and Mark were all seasoned lawyers who were determined to build a boutique law firm dedicated to excellent results for their clients, both in the courtroom and the board room. Their vision has turned into a reality. The firm has built a strong litigation foundation representing clients in all areas o…

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