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Edward Romanik

Updated: February 14th, 2021 | Woodbury | Lawyer List E | Birchmeier & Powell LLC | Elder Law, Litigation, Municipal Law, Trial Practice,

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Address: 53 Newton Avenue, woodbury, NJ, 08096
Law Firm: Birchmeier & Powell LLC
Phone: 609-628-3414
Website: http://www.birchmeierlaw.com/

First Year of Call
Areas of PracticeLitigation, Trial Practice, Municipal Law, Elder Law
DescriptionPhi Delta Phi, Harrington Honors Chapter.
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Birchmeier & Powell LLC

Legal Excellence. Dedication. Success.Our firm prosecutes and defends civil law suits in the various State Courts of New Jersey and in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey. We are primarily a negligence defense firm. We handle many matters involving automobile accidents, construction accidents, product liability, workers’ compensation, PIP arbitrations, UM claims, UIM claims, coverage issues and the like. W…

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